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modern petrol in fibeglass tanks???

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:49 am
by Spagjet
OK, been reading in a few spots on this forum that fibreglass tanks and modern fuel doesn't mix. I'm in Australia and use the premium high octane unleaded with some of that valve saver stuff thrown in for good measure in my GTS with no dramas. There is no ethanol in premium unleaded in Oz yet to my knowledge, is all this about fuel in UK and the states?

I have just bought a reproduction Imola fibreglass tank for my GT project, I have always wanted one of the tanks with the clear stripe fuel gauge. People on here are saying you have to put a fuel liner (epoxy) in a glass tank, does that apply in Oz or are we different as far as putting rotten sugar (ethanol) in everything so far? I really DON'T want to put a liner in my tank, that would suck.

I am also reading about legality issues, again, I am in Queensland, does all this talk belong overseas or will the police take one look and show me their pretty lights?

The tank that was on the bike is a GTS steel tank which has had a liner put in it already which is peeling off and the tank is filled with cracked and peeling liner material, crap, rust, and associated swamp. I have never liked the idea of a liner, it would be really bad if I had to put one in my beautiful sexy new Imola tank. Bad....

Re: modern petrol in fibeglass tanks???

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:54 am
by BevHevSteve
Putting Caswell into your new tank and following their instructions exactly will protect that new tank and you keep that clear strip. I'd do it if it were me no matter where on the planet I lived. It works on new glass. Once gas has seen the inside of the tank forget it..

Re: modern petrol in fibeglass tanks???

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 3:27 pm
by Spagjet
thanks for that Steve, I am all for doing everything possible to make my bevels last and work to their best potential and would have a lot less heartache about putting a liner in my glass tank if I could preserve the clear strip, especially considering the fact that to not do anything might mean the tank would deteriorate at some point (I now understand why I have seen some Imola tanks with the fuel strip on bikes but the strip is opaque white).

Here's my next question/s, what is Caswell, how many bananas can I trade for it and where do I get some?

I was a bit leery about buying this tank from Melbourne (Eurobrit) without seeing it in person first (I live 4 hours north of Brisbane) but I am extremely happy with what arrived in the mail, it's a very well made bit of gear. I have had a couple of people look at it since then (when you ride a bevel for 25 years you end up knowing a lot of other bevelheads) that have had experience with repo glass Ducati tanks in the past (and distant past) who told me they used to leak from the seams and the filler necks were woefully inadequate. The seams on this one look great and the filler neck is really no different as far as thickness of the steel used than my other steel tanks filler necks. It came with no studs on the back to stretch a bit of ocky strap over to hold it down (I could have bought some of them but figured I could make my own on my lathe) and the seam you are meant to drill through to mount them on doesn't strike me as being wide enough to cop that without potentially cracking out to the edge once there is a strap pulling on the studs (or even leaking fuel) so I am thinking about engineering some kind of mounting sytem under the rear of the tank to hold the back down solid. I already have to cut the seat down by at least 4 inches so if there is no back studs in the way that operation will be easier to pull off (I like the seat to not touch the tank paint if possible and no studs would look neater anyway).

Anyway, even while typing this I am thinking it looks like I am looking for some of this apparently magical Caswell substance now....

Re: modern petrol in fibeglass tanks???

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:29 pm
by Spagjet
OK, just had a look into the Caswell thing on Google and you-tube and can see it will definitely be the way to proceed as far as side-stepping the whole fibreglass/rotten sugar drama while retaining the sexy clear fuel strip. Thank you very much Steve for bringing it to my attention, this forum has already proved itself to be a VERY GOOD THING to me, I am looking forward to having it as one of my "Ducati Special Tools"....

Re: modern petrol in fibeglass tanks???

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:12 pm
by BevHevSteve
Glad this is helping you out, that's exactly why I created this forum in the first place....

Re: modern petrol in fibeglass tanks???

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:35 pm
by jakebrake
I had my '73 Sport glass tank coated 2 years ago and it's holding up fine. I had it done by a guy that does Ducati warranty tank work all the time and he media-blasted the inside with a snorkel blaster first. He also added some yellow dye because he said that otherwise it was too clear to verify verify that all was coated. It wasn't white. As Steve said, the coating would bond best to the virgin tank.