900SD Sprag Clutch Bearing?

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Cucciolo - the Lil Pup
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900SD Sprag Clutch Bearing?

Post by mb848 »

So I'm pretty sure I'm hearing the beginnings of the "coffee grinder" noise coming from the left side of my 900SD's engine. I'm not worried about digging into it eventually, but I was planning to ride the bike in the 2024 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride on May 19th and doubt I can have the parts delivered and replaced by then.

I was wondering, if I were to remove the chain between the starter motor sprocket and spindle and only operate it as a kickstart bike for the time being until I have the parts and time to replace the sprag clutch (maybe disconnect the starter motor in case I accidentally hit the button), would that remove the resistance the sprag clutch is free-wheeling against so that it's less likely to fragment on me if I keep riding the bike? :?
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Re: 900SD Sprag Clutch Bearing?

Post by BevHevSteve »

remove the starter chain. I have bearings in stock...

https://store.bevelheaven.com/Engine-Re ... g-Bearing/
Steve Allen (925)798-BEVL[2385] Ride'm, Don't Hide'm
Ducati/Euro Spares -> https://Store.BevelHeaven.com
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