Side stands for later 750 GTs are already difficult to source and very expensive, but I now understand and believe that for a sandcast model it is an unobtainium item

The spare parts catalog of the 750 GT lists indeed two references for the side stand, depending if it is for sand cast or die cast models, 0795.12.500 and 0595.12.503 respectively:
There is only one drawing for the side stand, but obviously the item should not have the same geometry on the "rear", where it is supposed to be bolted on the LH crankcase, because the sand cast and die cast crankcases are different.
On the sandcast crankcase, the bolt to attach the side stand is further back and down compared to where it is on the die cast crankcase (see blue arrows, sand cast on the left, die cast on the right):
The side stand was not an item supplied with the early sandcast 750 GTs. It was however introduced on a few ones, apparently sold in the USA as indicated in the spare parts catalog.
There was a road test of a USA model 750 GT in Cycle World of 1972 where the side stand is visible: ... ducati-750
That specific 750 GT is also pictured and mentioned by Ian Falloon in his Ducati 750 Bible, page 46, as being a sandcast model. Unfortunately the pictures do not allow seeing the side stand bolting on the crankcase.
Did anybody ever see one and, if so, was the rear shape "special" for bolting on the crankcase?