Vendor Sponsorship / Advertising Opportunities

If you are a business and wish to post your moto related goods and services on our site, read this!
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Vendor Sponsorship / Advertising Opportunities

Post by BevHevSteve »

If you are a moto related business and wish to post info about your business [including a link to your business website on your account] and/or sell your products here on the Bevel Heaven forum, you must first become a "supporting member" of this site. This is an easy process it only takes approval by the site admin for your business and a reasonable payment which helps support this place and earns you the right to make money here at Bevel Heaven.

When you become a supporting member of The Bevel Heaven DOC Forum, you will get a special area set up here with your business name and contact info listed. You can list your business name and business website in your .sig in all your posts, anywhere on the website. You will then be able to sell your moto related products via this forum by listing these products in your area. You will be able to post photos, details, pricing etc of your products in your specific forum. You will be free to post whatever you want as long as you are following the forum rules. [etc etc.]

If this interests you. please give us a call at 925.798.2385 to discuss or shoot over an email to shop at bevelheaven dot com and we can discuss the costs involved.
Steve Allen (925)798-BEVL[2385] Ride'm, Don't Hide'm
Ducati/Euro Spares ->

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