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Cucciolo - the Lil Pup
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2025 3:28 am

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Post by girlyglide »


I live in France and have a number of motorcycles, all v-Twins (except the BMW R90 S) including a 1978 Darmah. I've been riding since 1976 and have only ever had a couple of multi cylinder machines.

I had a new Darmah in 1979 but didn't keep it having turned to the dark side (Harley-Davidson).

I bought my current Darmah in the South of France and have changed this and that to improve it and make it safe after a number of years stood still. One of the first changes (after replacing the wheels) was to make a hydraulic clutch kit, I have arthritic thumbs and the clutch action was murder.

I've just taken the plunge and bought a Hand Held ignition system which should be winging it's way to me as I write.
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