Helloooo - another UK Darmah joining in

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Helloooo - another UK Darmah joining in

Post by andybaggies »

Evening all, Andy here newly registered and looking forward to all things bevel.

I’ve owned my 81 Darmah since 84 and I ran it for a good few years before dropping it on a diesel strewn roundabout. This holed the right side crankcase cover and prompted a full rebuild by a noted Ducati workshop. I then ran it for a couple more years before, & who’d have thought, the sprag clutch popped.

At this point, as it does, other things in life took over and the old girl languished at the back of the garage for over 20 years until now… The important things are now back and along with incentive & desire a full restoration has started. Well… I’ve stripped her down to the bare chassis with the engine still complete and now mounted in a cradle.

Which is where BevelHeaven comes in, thanks Steve! I’ve been a bit of a silent lurker for a few months now gathering as much info as possible but I reckon it’s time to join in. And besides, before stripping the motor into a billion bearings & shims it thought it wise to learn from others who know better.

But before anything else how about a beer? I’ve just bought a virtual round in the virtual bar so cheers all!

Andy B
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Re: Helloooo - another UK Darmah joining in

Post by ducadini »

Usually the beer gets opened when all shims fall on the ground and the drive to continue fades :( :(
Just one, otherwise You may develope a drinking problem on top of the Ducati problem :tisk:
Enjoy the rebuild, hope to give You some relevant info if needed.

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Re: Helloooo - another UK Darmah joining in

Post by BevHevSteve »

Cheers and welcome aboard
Steve Allen (925)798-BEVL[2385] Ride'm, Don't Hide'm
Ducati/Euro Spares -> https://Store.BevelHeaven.com
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