Project Complete - 73 750GT

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Cucciolo - the Lil Pup
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Project Complete - 73 750GT

Post by Dukaccino »

Hi All
Time to share progress on the project .. finally done
This Bike was basically the wreck you in the pic. Most of the important small parts are missing, and most of what was there was abused or damaged.
Sad to think it had such a hard life .. but anyway I got the 'joy' of the rebuild.
Lots of questions were asked of knowledgable people, BH too.. lots of spares found a few repo's and a few hand made re-machined parts as well.
Ive tried to keep as many of the original part as poss - even of they didn't look perfect .. it give the bike a feel of some originality.

The details are in the BH register - its a 73, 750GT 752735/406, previously owned by Julien Pearl; ex Nick Anglada
I had it shipped to Aussie from the US .. thanks to Julien for the help.

I know , I know .. its not the right colour scheme .. but this is my fav.. my prerogative ... it looks spectacular in the flesh.

Inside the cases are new VeeTwo crank and full gBox, new every thing else.
Brook Henry lives around the corner from me so that update was a simple decision.. vhigh quality.
Anyone who's done of these rebuilds knows that you end with a story for every part sourced or fixed.

My most unbelievable story are re the rims... Short version. The originals were junk, so I bought 'modern' Borrani's out of Aust.
These are very slightly different to the org Borrani's but are still rolled and sold by Borrani.
The ones I got wouldn't lace right as they were punched incorrectly. Supplier wouldn't help so I emailed Borrani in Italy.
After proof that they were Borrani's , Borrani Italy, replaced them with another new set of Rims and laced them for me for free.
I had to pay for freight to Italy - it was worth it.
The Manager Borrani - Classic Wheels and I are now good email friends I think ... we shared a lot over those rims ...

Anyway enjoy the photos ... happy to answer any questions..

Cheers all and safe rides.
Peter S
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Re: Project Complete - 73 750GT

Post by BevHevSteve »

Steve Allen (925)798-BEVL[2385] Ride'm, Don't Hide'm
Ducati/Euro Spares ->
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