Mick Walker

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Mick Walker

Post by in-two »

It was sad to hear that Mick Walker passed away last week. A backbone of Ducati knowledge and enthusiasm in the U.K. and Europe, he and his business kept the brand alive through very hard times. He wrote a number of definitive books and knew enough about Ducati to fill a library. I met him several times in the early'80's whilst trying to keep some singles alive, and would always be rewarded by the parts I needed and half a days excellent conversation. I hope you can join me in offering our sympathies to his family, he will be missed.
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Re: Mick Walker

Post by BevHevSteve »

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Re: Mick Walker

Post by Bern »

I managed to find a copy of his restoration guide, just a few months ago. Sad to hear that he passed away. My condolences to his family.

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Re: Mick Walker

Post by rightsideup »

His brother Rick was a great help to me in the early 80s when I first got my GT750. He had a minted one squirreled away in his garage - reckoned it was the best bevel drive available (no bias at all!).
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